Second Breath Foundation

"Helping Take Away the Financial Burden"

2021 Updates
JULY 6, 2021
Gerald was doing awesome until he was given an incorrect vaccine in early fall this year. The wrong vaccine put his body into Antibody Medation Rejection. Now he is down to 20% lung function.
He and I (Mom-Lynn McQueen) leave for Duke University Hospital in hopes that they will consider him for retransplant.
Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
OCTOBER 21, 2021
So Gerald's story continues..... We drove up to Durham yesterday. The trip up was an adventure in itself as my car decided to catch on fire, (thinking electrical). So had to get a rental and leave my car out in the middle of no where it seems. So we get to Durham our hotel is fantastic! Only a block away from the hospital. Then today after all of Gerald's appointments the pulmonary doctor and the transplant surgeon have decided to admit Gerald because his CO2 is out the extremely high. Plan is to do a bipap and some other meds. Fatten him up and get him on a better plan for transplant. This should take a week maybe two. If this begins to work we will come home until he is heavier and stronger. Gerald seems to really like the doctors here and the staff.
Prayers for the plan to work in his favor.

Gerald McQueen, Jr. came in to this world like any other baby and appeared to be perfect in every way. It soon became apparent that something was not right, Gerald had trouble feeding and would not grow. The doctors termed him failure to thrive, but couldn't give his parents a reason why. After a year long struggle to finally have an answer, the family was dealt a harsh reality. During Gerald first birthday party the call came in, Gerald had Cystic Fibrosis.

Donations can be made straight to Geralds Second Breath Foundation at Redstone Federal Credit Union, in Gerald McQueen Jr.’'s name. (be sure to include Jr.)
The address is:
Redstone Federal Credit Union
220 Wynn Dr.
Huntsville, Al. 35893
